Create iOS and Android apps in SCADE using our EasySCADE Swift library

EasySCADE aims to simplify mobile app development by providing a set of utilities and wrappers that make it easier to work with the SCADE framework. This library is designed to streamline your development process, allowing you to focus more on building your app and less on boilerplate code.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • macOS system.
  • Swift 5.9 or later installed.
  • SCADE SDK installed. Follow the installation guide at SCADE's GitHub repository.
Getting Started
Step 1: Install SCADE

Ensure you have SCADE installed on your system. You can find the installation instructions at https://github.com/scade-platform/SCADE.


Step 2: Add EasySCADE as a Dependency

Open your SCADE project's Package.swift file and add EasySCADE to your project's dependencies:

import PackageDescription
import Foundation

let SCADE_SDK = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["SCADE_SDK"] ?? ""

let package = Package(
    name: "YourProjectName",
    platforms: [
    products: [
            name: "YourProjectName",
            type: .static,
            targets: [
    dependencies: [
        // Add EasySCADE as a dependency
        .package(url: "https://github.com/jblanked/EasySCADE", .branch("main"))
    targets: [
            name: "YourProjectName",
            dependencies: ["EasySCADE"]),
            exclude: ["main.page"],
            swiftSettings: [
                .unsafeFlags(["-F", SCADE_SDK], .when(platforms: [.macOS, .iOS])),
                .unsafeFlags(["-I", "\(SCADE_SDK)/include"], .when(platforms: [.android])),

Replace YourProjectName with your project name.


Step 3: Import EasySCADE

Now that you have added EasySCADE as a dependency, you can start using it in your project. Simply import EasySCADE in your Swift files:

import EasySCADE


Step 4: Start Using EasySCADE

You are now ready to simplify your SCADE app development with EasySCADE! Check the Usage section below for examples on how to use EasySCADE in your project.


let textLabel: SCDWidgetsContainer = EasySCDTextLabel("Your Text")

EasySCDTextLabel (
   _ text: String, 
   fontsize:Int = 20,
   font: String = "ArialMT", 
   fontcolor:SCDGraphicsRGB = EasyColor.black,
   paddingVertical: Int = 0,
   paddingHorizontal: Int = 10,
   x_location: Int = 0,
   y_location: Int = 0,
   bold: Bool = false,
   underline: Bool = false,
   action: @escaping () -> Void = { },
   alignment: SCDLayoutHorizontalAlignment = SCDLayoutHorizontalAlignment.left
) -> SCDWidgetsContainer

// subscription
@EasyTextPublisher var labelManager: EasySCDTextManager = EasySCDTextManager("Your-Text") 

// get widget
let label: SCDWidgetsContainer = labelManager.label

// update text
labelManager.text = "New text"

// Open Combine
@SCDLabelPublisher let scdLabel: SCDLabelState = SCDWidgetsLabelCombine("Your-Text")

// get widget
let labelWidget: SCDWidgetsLabel = scdLabel.label

// update text
if let textLabel = scdLabel as? SCDWidgetsLabelCombine
  textLabel.update("New Text")

let textBox: SCDWidgetsTextbox = EasySCDTextBox("Placeholder")

let textBoxForm: SCDWidgetsWidget = EasySCDTextForm (
            title: "Your Title",
            textbox: textBox // from above

EasySCDTextBox	(
	_ placeholder: String,
	secure: Bool = false,
	fontsize:Int = 20,
	font: String = "ArialMT", 
	fontcolor:SCDGraphicsRGB = EasyColor.black,
	width: Int = Int(screenInfo.screenSize.width) + 10,
	paddingVertical: Int = 10,
	paddingHorizontal: Int = 10,
	location: SCDGraphicsPoint = SCDGraphicsPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
) -> SCDWidgetsTextbox

class EasySCDTextBoxForm {
        var title: String
        var textbox: SCDWidgetsTextbox
         init	(
			title: String,
			textbox: SCDWidgetsTextbox
		) {

		self.title = title
		self.textbox = textbox

EasySCDTextForm (
	_ forms: [EasySCDTextBoxForm],
	fontsize:Int = 20,
	font: String = "ArialMT", 
	fontcolor:SCDGraphicsRGB = EasyColor.black,
	width: Int = Int(screenInfo.screenSize.width),
	location: SCDGraphicsPoint = SCDGraphicsPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
) -> SCDWidgetsWidget

// EasyTextbox (UILabel for iOS - Best for Paragraphs)
let eBox: EasyTextbox = EasyTextbox("Type-Text-Here")

// remove from view

// add to view

let button: SCDWidgetsButton = EasySCDButton("Button")

	_ text: String, 
	font: String = "ArialMT",
	color: SCDGraphicsRGB = EasyColor.blue,
	height: Int = 50,
	width: Int = Int(screenInfo.screenSize.width),
	paddingVertical: Int = 0,
	paddingHorizontal: Int = 0,
	location: SCDGraphicsPoint = SCDGraphicsPoint(x: 0, y: 0),
	action: @escaping () -> Void = {  }
) -> SCDWidgetsButton

let navigationBar: SCDWidgetsWidget = EasySCDNavigationBar()

EasySCDNavigationBar (
	backgroundColor: SCDGraphicsRGB = EasyColor.white,
	action: @escaping () -> Void = { },
	fontcolor: SCDGraphicsRGB = EasyColor.blue
) -> SCDWidgetsNavigationBar

let web: SCDWidgetsWebView = EasySCDWebView("https://www.github.com/jblanked/EasySCADE")

	_ url: String, 
	height: Int = Int(screenInfo.screenSize.width),
	width: Int = Int(screenInfo.screenSize.width),
	paddingVertical: Int = 0,
	paddingHorizontal: Int = 10,
	location: SCDGraphicsPoint = SCDGraphicsPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
) -> SCDWidgetsWebView

let checkBox: SCDWidgetsCheckbox = EasySCDCheckbox()

	_ checked: Bool = false, 
	height: Int = 50,
	location: SCDGraphicsPoint = SCDGraphicsPoint(x: Int(screenInfo.screenSize.width / 2.5), y: 0)
) -> SCDWidgetsCheckbox

let spacer: SCDWidgetsWidget = EasySCDSpacer()

EasySCDSpacer(_ height: Int = 20) -> SCDWidgetsWidget

let separator: SCDWidgetsWidget = EasySCDSeperator()

        _ y: Int = 20, 
        _ strokeColor: SCDSvgColor = EasySVGColor.black, 
       _ strokeWidth: Float = 1.0
) -> SCDWidgetsWidget
screenInfo.screenSize.height // Screen Height
screenInfo.screenSize.width // Screen Width
screenInfo.statusBarVisible // boolean 
screenInfo.statusBarsize.height // Status Bar Height
screenInfo.statusBarsize.width // Status Bar Width
appStorage.write(key: "yourKey", value: "Your Value")  // save value

appStorage.deleteAllKeys() // delete all keys

appStorage.delete(key: "yourKey") // delete key

if let yourValue = appStorage.read(key: "yourKey") // get value from key
let white: SCDGraphicsRGB = EasyColor.white
let black: SCDGraphicsRGB = EasyColor.black
let blue: SCDGraphicsRGB = EasyColor.blue
let red: SCDGraphicsRGB = EasyColor.red

EasyAlert(title:String, message:String,action: @escaping () -> Void = { })

EasySpinner(true) // show
EasySpinner(false) // hide

image.swipeGesture({ self.navigation!.go(page: "main.page")  }, .right)

let card: SCDWidgetsContainer = EasySCDCard(
    path: "Assets/YourBackgroundImage.png",
    title: "Header title",
    description: "Body"

card.swipeGesture({ self.navigation!.go(page: "main.page")  }, .left)

EasySCDCard (
	path: String, 
	title: String, 
	description: String, 
	action: @escaping () -> Void = {  }
) -> SCDWidgetsContainer 

let list: SCDWidgetsContainer = EasySCDList(
        EasySCDListElement(item: "Value1"),
        EasySCDListElement(item: "Value2"),
        EasySCDListElement(item: "Value3")

EasySCDList(_ list: [EasySCDListElement]) -> SCDWidgetsContainer

struct EasySCDListElement {
  	 var item: String
  	 var fontsize: Int
  	 var fontcolor: SCDGraphicsRGB
  	 var action: () -> Void

	init(item: String, fontsize: Int = 15, fontcolor: SCDGraphicsRGB = EasyColor.black, action: @escaping () -> Void = {}) {
		self.item = item
		self.fontsize = fontsize
		self.fontcolor = fontcolor
		self.action = action
let vStack: SCDWidgetsContainer = EasySCDVStack(
        textLabel, // from above
        button // from above

	_ elements: [SCDWidgetsWidget], 
	location: SCDGraphicsPoint = SCDGraphicsPoint(x: 0, y: Int(screenInfo.statusBarsize.height) + 15),
	spacing: Int = 10
) -> SCDWidgetsContainer

// alternative VStack
self.vStack {
    textLabel // from above
    button // from above

// alternative VStack 2
let container: SCDWidgetsContainer = SCDWidgetsContainer()

container.vStack {
    textLabel // from above
    button // from above
let hStack: SCDWidgetsContainer = EasySCDHStack(
        textLabel, // from above
        button // from above

	_ elements: [SCDWidgetsWidget], 
	location: SCDGraphicsPoint = SCDGraphicsPoint(x: 0, y: Int(screenInfo.statusBarsize.height) + 15),
	spacing: Int = 10
) -> SCDWidgetsContainer

// alternative HStack
self.hStack {
    textLabel // from above
    button // from above

// alternative HStack 2
let container: SCDWidgetsContainer = SCDWidgetsContainer()

container.hStack {
    textLabel // from above
    button // from above

EasyTemplateLogin(self) // Login with Labels

EasyTemplateLogin(self,2) // Login without Labels

EasyTemplateLogin(self,3) // Login without Labels

// Login Class Init
init	(
	_ page: SCDLatticePageAdapter,
	_ formNumber: Int = 1,
	name: String = "easyTemplateSignIn", 
	backgroundColor: SCDGraphicsRGB = EasyColor.white

// Login Class Properties
var username: String
var password: String
var onClick: () -> Void

EasyTemplateRegistration(self) // Registration with Labels

EasyTemplateRegistration(self,2) // Registration without Labels

// Registration Class Init
init (
	_ page: SCDLatticePageAdapter,
	_ formNumber: Int = 1,
       name: String = "easyTemplateRegistration", 
       backgroundColor: SCDGraphicsRGB = EasyColor.white

// Registration Class Properties
var username: String
var password: String
var password2: String
var firstName: String
var lastName: String
var email: String
var onClick: () -> Void